Hi! My name is
Mads Ellegård Skovbakke, a fluffy cartoonist/illustrator
currently working from Guildford, UK.
Concept Development
World Building
Comics, Storyboards, and Story-Beats
Old Agnes - Storyboard Scene
How it works!
We Talk About Your Idea
Let's Chat!
Touch base before we begin!
We talk about expectations, deadlines, number of edits, payment, and rights.
You Get Sketches
Look at this!
To make sure you get a say in the process, you will receive sketches at a deadline we agree on in phase 2.
The sketches will show my idea of where the project could be going, and will be rougher than my finished pieces.
You Feedback The Sketches
Did I Get it Right?
Usually, you will have edits for my sketches. Don't worry, we don't share a hive mind. We'll sort it out!
If we go through more than one round of edits, extra charges may occur. But we already discussed this in phase2, remember?
You Get Your Work
It was great working with you!
You will receive your finished piece(s) according to our agreements.
We part ways, for now, having gotten to know each other - maybe even formed a friendship?
“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” Maya Angelou, Poet.
Teaching has always been - and always will be - a part of my life. As an older brother, younger cousin, son, student, colleague, and even as a teacher; a humble, curious and grateful approach to learning has proved to be paying off.
Building on that, the workshops are always hands-on. Through learning by doing, letting people learn at their own pace, and in their own way - each workshop is a unique exploration of comics and graphic storytelling.
The framework is the same: An introduction to the subject matter - Then a guided assignment - Rounding of with a collective feedback and Q&A.
For a workshop to be successful, the atmosphere is welcoming, feedback will be given and received with an open mind and without prejudice.
All workshops are malleable and can be adjusted to time-frame, attendant age, skill-level and specific wishes for focus areas within writing, graphic storytelling and sequential art.
Previous Work
2017 - Pædagogisk Extrakt #11(VIA University College) - Illustration, Cover
2016 - Kyndelmisse, Sisse Skovbakke(Dansk Sang) - Illustration, Cover
2015 - NU, Sisse Skovbakke(Dansk Sang) - Illustration, Cover
2018 - Get Naked, Steven T. Seagle (Image Comics) - Cover, Comic, Bookdesign
2016 - 2017 - Cyclops #1 - #11 - Editor, Comic, Cover, Book Design
2016 - Comics for Good - Comic
2017 - Livstilshøjskolen, Gudum - Your Life as a Comic
2017 - VAF Viborg Animation Festival, Viborg - Manga Portraits
2017 - Ny Viborg Museum, Viborg - Sequential Art and Animation in Museums
2017 - The Animation Workshop, Viborg - Worldbuilding - a portfolio workshop
2017 - Livstilshøjskolen, Gudum - Your Life as a Comic
2016 - The Animation Workshop, Viborg - Worldbuilding - a portfolio workshop
2016 - Livstilshøjskolen, Gudum - Your Life as a Comic
2016-present - Kulturskolen Viborg - Comics basics, Life Drawing
2017 - Kulturskolen Viborg & VAF - Epic Manga, Teacher and Head of staff
2015 - Medieskolen Viborg - Webintegration, Adobe Package Basics,
2014 - The Drawing Academy - Life Drawing
2015 - 2019 - The Animation Workshop - Bachelor Degree in Graphic Storytelling
Project Management
2017 - Epic Manga, Denmark's Largest Manga Projection - VAF
A 4 month seminar for kids age 8-16 with the goal of making a 250ft wall-projection
Previous Work
Copyright © 2017 - MESkovbakke Illustration - CVR - DK38604694 - meskovbakke@gmail.com